Feeling overwhelmed and burnt out by the demands of your work and personal life?

It’s time to focus on yourself and reinvent your life.

If you’re ready to push the reset button and reinvent yourself, book a free 30-minute call with me today to learn more about how coaching can support you.

Don't just take my word for it Here's what some of my clients have said about their experience with coaching



I had issues with establishing boundaries and constantly felt terrible if I chose for myself. Akhil helped me discover ways to embrace myself, even what I consider to be my defects


I was having a hard time understanding myself and trusting my own abilities, but working with Akhil changed that for me. He helped me see myself from a new perspective and taught me how to connect with my emotions through inner dynamic coaching. As a result, I feel more self-aware and have been able to work on building trust within myself. Thank you, Akhil, for your guidance and support in improving my mental health.


United Arab Emirates



Before working with Akhil, I was feeling lost and unsure of myself. I struggled with negative thoughts and a lack of confidence in my abilities. But after just a few sessions, I noticed a significant shift in my mindset. Akhil helped me see things from a new perspective and taught me how to manage my thoughts and emotions in a more positive way. As a result, I feel more confident, motivated, and capable of achieving my goals. Thank you, Akhil, for helping me transform my mindset and improve my mental health.”

Here's what my coaching can offer on your attributes


By focusing on yourself, you can rediscover what truly matters to you and align your life with your values.


By breaking through feelings of overwhelm, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, you can develop a more positive mindset and outlook.


By tapping into your passions and interests, you can find new sources of motivation and inspiration.


By creating a coaching program that fits into your busy schedule, you can prioritize yourself and make positive changes without sacrificing other important areas of your life.

Services offered

Tailored coaching packages to meet your needs, here to help you navigate the challenges of mental health and find the support you need to thrive. We offer a range of coaching packages to meet your individual needs, including single sessions, short-term packages, and ongoing support.

Quickstart (4 sessions)

This tier is for individuals who need a jumpstart in their personal development journey. We'll work together for 4 weeks with one session per week to identify your goals, strengths, and challenges. You'll leave with a clear plan of action to start making progress towards your desired outcome.

Accelerator (8 sessions)

This tier is for those who are ready to commit to making significant changes in their lives. We'll work together for 8 weeks with one session every two weeks to dive deeper into your goals and challenges, and create a more detailed plan to achieve them. You'll receive ongoing support and accountability throughout the coaching process.

Breakthrough (12 sessions)

This tier is for individuals who are facing significant challenges or major life transitions. We'll work together for 12 weeks with one session every three weeks to help you gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and develop the skills and strategies needed to thrive. You'll receive personalized support and guidance throughout the entire coaching process.

Mastery (24 sessions)

This tier is for those who are ready to fully commit to long-term personal growth and development. We'll work together for 24 weeks with one session every four weeks to help you gain mastery over your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. You'll develop the skills and habits needed to sustain long-term success and happiness in all areas of your life.


Coaching is like having a personal hype squad, but instead of shouting “you got this!” from the sidelines, they actually help you figure out how to get this.

Therapy is like going to the doctor, but for your brain. Coaching is like going to a friend who’s really good at giving you advice you’ll actually listen to.

Anyone who’s feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or just ready to level up their life game can benefit from coaching. Plus, you get to work with someone who will make you laugh and maybe even send you funny memes.

Coaching sessions are like having a really productive and insightful coffee chat with a friend, except you don’t have to buy them a latte. Your coach will help you set goals and figure out how to make them happen, all while cracking some jokes along the way.

Coaching programs can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on your goals and how fast you’re making progress. It’s like having a personal trainer for your life, but without the sweat stains.

Coaching fees vary depending on the coach’s experience and qualifications, but think of it as an investment in your future awesomeness. Plus, you get to work with someone who will support you, cheer you on, and maybe even share their secret recipe for killer guacamole.

Absolutely! Think of your coach as a GPS for your soul – they’ll help you navigate through the twists and turns of life to find your true north. Plus, they won’t judge you for taking a wrong turn or asking for directions (unlike some GPS systems we know).

Sure! Sometimes it’s helpful just to have someone to bounce ideas off of, or to help you figure out what your goals even are. Think of your coach as a brainstorming buddy – they’ll help you come up with awesome ideas, and maybe even help you organize your sock drawer (if that’s what you’re into).

Hi I'm Akhil

I empower individuals around the world to live authentically and realize their full potential through the use of neurolinguistics, a science-backed practice that reprograms unconscious thought patterns with language and enhances mental awareness. By helping people to tap into their inner strength and choose a life of love, awareness, and compassion, I motivate and inspire them to live happier life.

Transform Your Life and Achieve Your Goals with the Help of a Mental Health Coach

If you’re ready to take control of your mental health and achieve your goals, a mental health coach can be a valuable partner on your journey. With personalized support and guidance tailored to your specific needs and aspirations, a mental health coach can help you make lasting changes in your life and experience the transformative power of improved mental health and well-being. Don’t let your mental health hold you back any longer – start your journey towards a happier and healthier future with the help of a mental health coach.